WeGift Conditions.


In awarding a WeGift project for FREE, we will apply the following criteria:

  • Applications from organisations within the United Kingdom are eligible for consideration.

  • All applications from previous recipients of WeGift free projects or from previously unsuccessful applicants will be considered on their own merits.

  • Although we will have regard to the outcome of a previous application, any new application will in no way receive preferential or adverse consideration.


  • You must be a UK registered charity or a not-for-profit organisation.

  • You must be a small organisation (income less than 400k pa).

  • You must have a clear, defined goal for the project.

  • You must be happy to display publicly ‘Provided by WeGift’ for 3 years after the project is launched.

  • Agree to the WeGift project Terms (see below)

Application assessment process

All applications will be assessed to ensure they meet the basic criteria for consideration. Project applications will be considered by WeGift at their meetings, and we will aim to email all applicants informing them of the outcome of their application within one month of the application closing date.

WeGift are not obliged to provide an explanation to the applicant should their application be unsuccessful.

Project Terms

All preparation materials, visuals, and sketches, including all electronic files used to create a project remain the property of WeGift.

You agree to WeGift using your completed project in any WeGift publicity.

If your project is one that we would really like to support, but the project scope exceeds our ceiling level for free work, we will make you aware and propose a hybrid format (part payed for) solution. You are under no obligation to accept. If rejected, we reserve the right to award the project to another applicant.

We know design is subjective… However, in order to mitigate endless rounds of revisions we will explain to you what constitutes ‘a revision’ and how many are included in your project, based on our professional knowledge of the complexity of the project. We reserve the right to charge for additional revisions to complete the project.

FREE websites will be built on the Squarespace platform and will incur an annual hosting fee with Squarespace. The cost of the hosting can vary depending on the functionality the site requires, for example e-commecre.

You agree to pay for typical project costs outside of the WeGift project application, such as annual website hosting and domain renewal, at or upon website launch.